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Northstar Academy

A fully accredited private online
Christian school for grades 4-12

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Meet Our Faculty and Staff

Dr. Bill Carroll


Christianity describes the framework of God’s creation and how human beings are supposed to get along in it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides.

In this respect, God’s word irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become, not that we might become happy or fulfilled, but rather that God’s glory might beckon other thirsty souls to His life-giving water.


Adjunct Professor of Bible and Ministry

Adjunct Professor of Hermeneutics and Biblical Studies

World Religions Workshop presenter

Senior Pastor, Associate Pastor

With NSA since 2006


Ph.D. from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

MA in Apologetics and Theology

M.Div., B.S., A.A., and Certificate in Islamic Studies


ACSI: Bible Specialist (Professional)

ACSI: Social Studies (Professional)