Elementary Spanish 2

Elementary Spanish 2 (ELS2v)
2 (yearlong course)
Suggested Prerequisites:
Elementary Spanish 1 (ELS1v)
Elementary Spanish 2
Elementary Spanish 2 is an exploratory introduction to the Spanish culture and language. Students learn the target language in a story-based framework, providing a fun and positive experience with the learning. Each lesson is taught through an engaging, authentic story that gives students an opportunity to see and hear the language in context. Students will learn foundational skills in listening and speaking in the early levels, and then will add Spanish literacy skills beginning in Level 2. The course provides audio and visual stimuli for all learning types and ample opportunity to hear, speak, read, write, and record the language. The course also provides strategically-based reviews of past learning. Each course is built on connections to an authentic culture of a specific Spanish-speaking region through the arts, celebrations, and traditions of the culture, leading students on the path to becoming global citizens. Courses provide a natural progression of learning through the following language acquisition stages: Preproduction, Early Production, Speech Emergence, and Novice Proficiency
Special Notes:
A stable Internet connection is needed for this class since all work is done online. A minimum connection speed of 5Mbps is required.
Hola amigos! Are you interested in continuing your Spanish-speaking journey? Then you’ve come to the right place! In this Elementary Spanish 2 course, you will build upon the skills you’ve learned previously in a way that is fun and interactive.
Learning a new language can be a challenge, but it is worth the effort. You can make new friends who speak Spanish, or you might feel more comfortable ordering food at your favorite Mexican restaurant. Is your family traveling to a Spanish-speaking country in the near future? The more Spanish you know, the more opportunities open up to you.
Did you know that there are 20 countries in the world that count Spanish as their official language? That’s a lot of people, and each country has its unique cultural twist. I hope you join me as we explore more about the Spanish language and its people from around the world.
If there are books and materials for this course, they can be purchased from our Online Bookstore.