English 2: World Literature

English 2: World Literature (ENGL200)
Language Arts
1.0 (yearlong course)
English 1 (ENGL100) or equivalent
English 2: World Literature
English 2 World Literature is designed to grow students in their studies of various world genres of literature, equipping them with historical and cultural knowledge for deeper contextual understanding. Students will pursue intentional approaches of clear and coherent writing through the use of mentor texts and formal writing assignments. Students will also engage in active learning opportunities, conversing and collaborating with one another to build on others’ ideas, while expressing their own ideas clearly and persuasively. The course also incorporates an intentional biblical worldview in which students may approach their academic pursuits with this biblical lens, applying these thematic concepts to not only their studies, but also different facets of their lives.
Have you ever wanted to travel the world? Do you wonder what the people of these different world regions and different time periods felt, thought about, and experienced? Reading literature from different countries and cultures allows us to gain such deep insight to various people groups and their approaches to daily living. I have found that the more I learn and experience the cultures of other places, the more I understand more of my own culture!
In this English 2 World Literature class, we will be traveling the world — virtually-speaking! From the Far East countries of Japan and Korea…to the busy streets of India….the mountains of Afghanistan…the deserts of Sudan…the rich heritage of France…the warmth of South America…and the tropical breeze of the Caribbean. Our academic passports will become fully stamped with our cultural experiences of studying literature from each of these regions. As we journey together in this class taking in the beauty of such a diverse world, we will discover more about the Creator of it and how He cares for each one of us!
If there are books and materials for this course, they can be purchased from our Online Bookstore.
Student Feedback
Every lesson was consistent in formatting, enriching in terms of material, and was easy to follow.
I liked a lot of the discussions because they helped me learn more from other people’s perspectives and they helped me to comment on what others had to say.
I enjoyed how the course made sure to integrate stories and writings from so many different cultures. It enabled greater learning and understanding of the world, and created more interest for the class.