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Northstar Academy

A fully accredited private online
Christian school for grades 4-12

Questions? 1.888.464.6280



NorthStar Academy (NSA) is an online, fully accredited Christian school that currently offers over 200 courses to students in grades 4 through 12, providing a complete academic and diploma-granting program.

NSA is accredited by both Cognia and ACSI. NorthStar Academy was founded to provide an online education facilitated by godly teachers dedicated to providing an excellent education through sound curriculum in partnership with students, families, and schools worldwide. Academic and spiritual readiness is achieved through faith-based, student-centered courses led by credentialed teachers who challenge students through engaging, standards-based content.

Within the context of biblical principles, NorthStar Academy continually develops college-preparatory programs, innovative strategies, and effective methodologies to purposefully shape a graduate who:

  • is university and life ready, demonstrating competencies for successful living, communication, and academic excellence at the next level.
  • is of Christ-like character, exhibiting academic and personal integrity through responsible stewardship, honesty, perseverance, and respect, even when no one is watching.
  • is globally minded, equipped to impact society while appreciating cultural diversity.
  • is a Christ follower, actively seeking God in and out of the classroom.
  • is a servant leader, a discerning role model who is courageous and compassionate, serving others.
  • is biblically literate, educated to understand and defend the biblical worldview in light of opposing worldviews.
  • is a lifelong learner, valuing and pursuing knowledge.


Homeschooling Families: Countless studies and common experience have shown the strengths of homeschooling; NSA can partner with families to provide the support they need to continue teaching their children at home. NSA can provide courses parents would prefer not to teach, provide AP® courses, or give upper classmen a chance to explore possible career choices. Parents and NSA guidance counselors can work together to provide an accredited diploma for their students.

Families looking for an alternative to the traditional school setting and schedule: Families who want a home-based education for their students but are not traditional home schoolers

Homeschool Co-ops: NSA can provide the program, and the co-op can provide the teacher for an economical method of providing courses for multiple families. Co-ops can partner with NSA to provide both NSA teacher-led courses and co-op teacher-led courses to grant an accredited diploma to students.

  • Overseas Families: Many overseas families need an alternative to boarding schools; they deal with issues concerning their children’s education that will bring them stateside if they cannot find an acceptable solution. As I Timothy 5:8 teaches, commitment to family should be a top priority no matter the parents’ occupation; therefore, NSA strives to provide a quality education to help families stay in the geographical location of their choosing AND be involved in their children’s education because with NorthStar the school comes to the students wherever they are.

  • Schools: Schools and their students will find NorthStar offers multiple benefits. Today’s high school graduates will be taking college courses online, so NSA can prepare students for this college experience. Schools can offer a broader course-choice using NSA’s over 200 courses, including 5 foreign languages, 18 AP® courses, career exploration courses, and expedition courses including travel as part of their course curriculum. As schools strive to become individualized and mastery-based, NSA can help build learning centers and blended classrooms.

  • NorthStar Academy partners with families, schools, and agencies to ensure there is an alternate solution to limited educational options.


  • NSA is an accredited Christian online school, custom-tailored for individual families and schools around the world.
  • Students can attend elementary, middle school, or high school wherever and whenever via the Internet … the school comes to you.
  • Students can earn high-school credits right at home, from anywhere in the world.
  • Students have up to 52 weeks to complete the 36-week school year with flexible due dates.
  • Students can begin a class nearly any Monday throughout the year.