Personal Finance

Personal Finance (FINA300)
Social Studies
0.5 (semester course)
Suggested Prerequisites:
Personal Finance
This course in personal finance utilizes a variety of resources and perspectives for high school students to learn about concepts of personal finance and handling money. Students will be equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to make sound financial decisions for life. Students will learn various strategies for how to manage their finances as they work through the concepts of Biblical stewardship, charitable giving, saving, investing, college and retirement planning, dealing with and avoiding debt, insurance, and much more. Students will apply course learnings through practical projects in each course unit.
Special Notes:
FINA300 satisfies the (.5) credit Economics credit for the Standard and Advanced diploma options
Welcome to Personal Finance! In this course, you have the awesome opportunity to take potentially the most practical course of the entire NorthStar Academy lineup, and yes, there is intentional bias in this statement. You will learn about what to do with money coming in and money going out. Not only is a lot of emphasis placed on life-application, but this course is also an option for meeting the economics requirement for graduation from NorthStar Academy. In this course, a variety of materials are used, which means you will obtain multiple perspectives on studying how our financial habits affect our financial future. You can start making smart financial decisions even now in high school in the areas of planning, giving, saving, spending, and investing. This amazing course will introduce you to basic financial habits such as setting financial goals, budgeting, understanding how taxes work, learning how credit works, making those big purchases like a car or home, and basic money management. This course also addresses how occupations and educational choices can influence financial planning and your future aspirations. So, come and join us on the journey of being intentional in making smart financial decisions, and more importantly, being a good steward of everything that God has provided for us!
If there are books and materials for this course, they can be purchased from our Online Bookstore.
Student Feedback
There were lots of activities that I found very helpful when assessing what I had learned at the end of each lesson./p>
The videos in the course provided a lot of help and knowledge.
I really enjoyed most this course and would suggest it to other students.