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Northstar Academy

A fully accredited private online
Christian school for grades 4-12

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  • Name:

    Science 4 (SC4)

  • Department:

    Grade 4

  • Semesters:

    2 (yearlong course)

  • Suggested Prerequisites:

    Science 3 (SC3) or equivalent

Science 4


In Science 4, students can expect to explore topics in Earth science, physical science, and life science. Students will experience hands-on-learning through labs, quests, and creative projects. The course focuses on critical thinking with guidance while applying concepts that students have learned into real world situations.

Special Notes:

This course includes hands-on labs and practical projects that require support from an adult. Most materials are household items or can be located locally. Please note that science labs require larger blocks of time to complete.

When only one semester is needed, it is strongly recommended that students take semester A of the elementary science course.

Students will need access to a printer and a scanner, scanner app or digital camera in order to submit work for the teacher to review.


Volcanologist, geologist, botanist, biologist, seismologist, meteorologist, chemist, engineer, paleontologist… WOW! Did you know that there were so many different types of scientists? You will get to become each of these as we discover all that God has created. We will dig in the dirt to discover the Earth and dinosaurs. We will experience shark week up close as we round out a unit on animals. We will discuss kindness and compassion as we learn about different natural disasters. We will even discover how God created us in His image as we learn about the human body! Are you ready to get your hands dirty and discover God’s indescribable world in Science 4? Topics Studied Include: Human Body, Earth’s Spheres, Bodies of Water/Landforms, History of the Planet, Energy, Weather, Plants, Natural Disasters, and Animals

If there are books and materials for this course, they can be purchased from our Online Bookstore.

Student Feedback

I think this course is very organized and easy to follow.

I enjoy lab because I like making something and lab is learning with making.

Some characteristics I enjoyed in this course is the creativity witch helps me learn new things in such a fun and cool way. I also enjoyed the biblical world view that is also helping my learning in Christ grow magnificently. I really have enjoyed this course.