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DC AP® Literature and Composition

  • Name:

    DC AP® Literature and Composition (ENGL500dc)

  • Department:

    Language Arts

  • Credits:

    1.0 (yearlong course)

  • Prerequisites:

    English 1 and English 2, honors recommended.

    A grade of an 85% or higher in the subject area course taken the previous year.

    *When taking AP Language and Composition (ENGL510) and AP Literature and Composition (ENGL500) in succession, it is recommended to take AP Language and Composition first.

DC AP® Literature and Composition


AP® Literature is designed to strengthen the student’s ability to read and interpret the various genres and motifs in literature. This class will help prepare the student to take the AP® exam in Literature at the end of the school year, but the class will not “teach to the test.” Students will write multiple essays utilizing excellent analysis, structure, and phrasing. Literature readings will be mainly from British Literature, with selections from World Literature added. This class covers many of the literary pieces that the British Literature class covers, but it does so at a higher level, as it covers the worldviews of each major literary movement.

Special Notes:

The dual credit honors track includes a deeper focus on critical thinking and analytical skills by providing students with more challenging problems and assignments comparable to what they would see at the university level. These elements will also prepare students to be successful in future upper-level and AP® courses.

The Dual Credit fee for CCU is included in the fee for this course.


Want to feel confident when you take the AP® Literature Exam? This is the course for you! Together, we will hone your existing analytical and critical thinking skills while we take on the challenge of writing with confidence and success. We will encounter challenging works, multiple practice opportunities, and useful feedback on our practice test performance. We will have real conversations about the issues each of our authors encountered and how those issues and ways of thought might still influence modern society and modern writers. We will learn how to view an author’s work within the frame of his unique place in history, taking into consideration not only his social environment but also the personal aspects of his writing. There is no reason to fear the AP® Literature Exam when you’ve worked all year through this course.

If there are books and materials for this course, they can be purchased from our Online Bookstore.

Student Feedback

I really enjoyed the annotations aspect of this course, and I thought all the literature we studied was engaging and enlightening.

Loved the class, and the teacher. It was well taught, had good Christian theme, taught good literature, and sought to increase critical thinking and being a life long learner.

This course is amazing. It was one of the hardest ones I have taken to date, yet I looked forward to engage in it. I loved the challenge, and I have experienced more growth as a writer and reader in this first semester than I have in my entire life. I will most definitely be taking more courses like this in the future.