Introduction to Computer Programming

Introduction to Computer Programming (CPSC100)
Computers and Electronics
1.0 (yearlong course)
Suggested Prerequisites:
Pre-Algebra (MA8)
Introduction to Computer Programming
Students will learn key principles and concepts of computer programming. These will be taught using the Python programming language but can be generally applied to many common programming languages. Students will learn how to create variables and perform basic arithmetic operations in simple programs. The course uses these building blocks to create loops with lists and dictionaries, make decisions using Boolean algebra, build classes, and work with files. The course will also look at retrieving data from the Internet to use in programs and end by creating a game that allows users to blast aliens which is controlled with the keyboard and mouse.
In addition to learning programming concepts, the course looks at the history of computers, programming languages, and the Internet. Students will learn about and research careers in information technology. They will be challenged by looking at ethical issues in technology and also how technology relates to God’s plan for His creation.
Special Notes:
Python must be installed for successful completion of this course. Chromebooks are not compatible with this course.
Do you like to be challenged by technology and wonder how the various applications you use work? You should consider taking a course in programming. This course will allow you to learn key concepts that programmers use in writing the games and other applications you use daily. You will get the opportunity to learn and apply these concepts in a hands-on environment by writing your own programs. At the end of the course, you will have the opportunity to write a game that allows users to blast aliens.
If there are books and materials for this course, they can be purchased from our Online Bookstore.
Student Feedback
Weeks were evenly paced and easy to follow
The videos definitely helped me in the course.
Mr. Carpenter is a great teacher and I enjoyed this class a lot. I think the class did a great job in introducing programming.