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Northstar Academy

A fully accredited private online
Christian school for grades 4-12

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Pre-Professional Portfolio

  • Name:

    Pre-Professional Portfolio (PPP100)

  • Department:

    College Preparation & Career

  • Credits:

    0.5 (semester course)

  • Cost:


  • Suggested Prerequisites:

    Students in PPP100 must have secured a coach or instructor in a particular pre-professional skill prior to the start of the course.

Pre-Professional Portfolio


The Pre-Professional Portfolio course is designed for students who are working on skill development in a specialized area that includes regular coaching or instruction. The skill must be in one area of study in the domains of athletics or fine arts (e.g., tennis, gymnastics, violin, musical theatre, etc.) and the PPP100 course will allow for students to reflect on their learning while logging out-of-school instruction in order to earn elective athletic or fine arts credit. Students will set goals, log practice and coaching/instructional hours, and complete assignments to reflect on their learning as well as plan for future growth.

Special Notes:

Sixty hours of coaching or instruction is required for each semester of elective credit. Students must arrange for outside instruction to complete this course.

This course can be completed up to 8 times while a student is in high school, for a total of 8 half-credit electives. The maximum credit earned per academic year is 1 credit. Each 1 semester module is worth 0.5 elective credits.


Coming soon!

If there are books and materials for this course, they can be purchased from our Online Bookstore.