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Northstar Academy

A fully accredited private online
Christian school for grades 4-12

Questions? 1.888.464.6280

Homeschooling is an exciting and rewarding decision that opens up many possibilities for your child’s education. As you consider this path, you may be wondering about the best way to provide a well-rounded and comprehensive learning experience. That’s where NorthStar Academy comes in—a dynamic and flexible option that can make your homeschooling adventure even more enriching.

Programs Tailored for Your Child

NorthStar Academy’s Virtual Program offers a flexible learning experience tailored to your child’s needs and learning style. Unlike traditional classrooms, where the pace is set for the entire group, NorthStar Academy allows your child to progress at their own speed. Whether they need a little more time to master a concept or are ready to move ahead, NorthStar Academy’s online courses adapt to their individual pace, ensuring they grasp each lesson thoroughly before moving on. NorthStar offers 52 weeks to complete a year-long course containing 36 weeks of material, and 26 weeks to complete a semester course containing 18 weeks of material.

Looking for something more structured? NorthStar also offers an Enriched Virtual Program! This program incorporates the rich content you’d find in our Virtual courses with an added live element and firm due dates to keep students on track. This program is perfect for students who need more accountability.

You can learn more about both our Virtual and Enriched Virtual programs here.

Certified Teachers Providing Expert Guidance

One of the key concerns parents often have about homeschooling is whether they are equipped to teach every subject effectively. With NorthStar Academy, you can put those worries to rest. Certified teachers, experts in their respective fields, are ready to provide guidance and support to your child. They’re just a click away, ready to answer questions, explain concepts, and ensure your child receives a high-quality education. You can also take a-la-carte courses, so if you’d rather teach everything except Math or Science for example, NorthStar can help you fill those gaps.

Flexibility to Fit Your Lifestyle

Life is full of surprises, and homeschooling parents know this better than most. NorthStar Academy offers the flexibility you need to adapt your child’s education to your family’s lifestyle. Whether you have a unique schedule, travel frequently, or simply prefer a more flexible routine, NorthStar Academy allows you to create a learning environment that fits seamlessly into your life.

A Wealth of Resources at Your Fingertips

One of the challenges homeschooling parents may face is finding high-quality resources for every subject. NorthStar Academy addresses this challenge by providing a wealth of resources at your fingertips. From interactive lessons and engaging multimedia content to assessments and quizzes, NorthStar Academy’s online courses come with a treasure trove of educational materials. This not only saves you time but also ensures your child has access to a diverse range of learning tools, and the resources don’t stop there. There is a community of staff and other parents at NorthStar who are available to help every step of the way.

Socialization Opportunities in a Virtual World

Concerns about socialization are common among parents considering homeschooling. Rest assured, NorthStar Academy offers a vibrant virtual community where your child can connect with peers from around the world. NorthStar hosts many events and live calls throughout the year, giving parents and students the opportunity to connect together, no matter where they are in the world. Clubs, Student Council, National Honor Society, mission trips, and a live graduation weekend are just a few of the ways that NorthStar is set apart from other online schools. 

Easy Monitoring of Your Child’s Progress

As a parent, staying involved in your child’s education is crucial. NorthStar Academy makes it easy for you to monitor your child’s progress. Detailed progress reports at your fingertips and easy communication with teachers allow you to stay informed about your child’s academic journey. This transparency ensures you can actively support and celebrate your child’s achievements every step of the way.

Guidance for the Homeschooling Adventure

Embarking on the homeschooling adventure might feel like stepping into the unknown, but NorthStar Academy provides guidance and structure. Enrolling your child in NorthStar Academy means you’re not alone in this journey. You’ll have access to support networks, helpful resources, and a vast community of fellow homeschooling parents. This collective support system ensures you have the tools and encouragement needed to make your homeschooling experience successful.

A Seamless Homeschooling Experience Awaits

In choosing NorthStar Academy for your homeschooling journey, you’re opening doors to a world of possibilities for your child’s education. The personalized learning, support from certified teachers, flexibility, abundant resources, and socialization opportunities create a seamless and enriching homeschooling experience. Remember, homeschooling with NorthStar Academy is not just about education; it’s about unlocking your child’s potential and fostering a love for learning that will last a lifetime

Contact us today and let us partner with you to provide your child with the education they deserve!