New Testament Survey

New Testament Survey (BIBL130)
Bible and Worldview
0.5 (semester course)
Suggested Prerequisites:
New Testament Survey
This course gives an overview of the New Testament’s people, places, and events, while making applications to modern, daily life. From Christ to the early church, students will follow the growth of the early believers as they moved from the laws of Judaism to grace and freedom through Jesus. Students will view the way God wants Christians to live today through the writings of Paul and other church fathers.
Do you want to know more about Jesus and what it means to follow Him? Come with me and explore the New Testament, from Matthew through Revelation. We’ll get to know the people of the New Testament, and the world in which they lived. But most of all, we’ll get to see God’s plan of salvation through Jesus Christ unfold. The Bible is so much more than a story: it is THE story of God and of His great love for us. It is God’s living word, and Jesus’ invitation to follow Him is for us today just as much as it was for the disciples. You’ll learn more about what God has to say to us in the New Testament, and I pray you’ll come to know Him more along the way!
If there are books and materials for this course, they can be purchased from our Online Bookstore.
Student Feedback
Overall, I learned so much from this course! I really was able to dig so much deeper into the book of Acts, which I think is my favorite New Testament book, besides John.
Everything was really easy to follow and layed out well.
I really like how this course was set up. The workbook provided a lot of the information and then there were always extra videos to help. The group discussions always went along great with what we were learning. I do not think there is anything I would change about this course.