Public Speaking

Public Speaking (PBSP100)
Language Arts
0.5 (semester course)
Suggested Prerequisites:
Public Speaking
This course examines the art of public speaking, a foundation of Western society in both Aristotle and Cicero’s views of rhetoric, and then traces those foundations into the modern world. Students will learn not just the theory, but also the practice of effective public speaking, including how to analyze the speeches of others, build a strong argument, and speak with confidence and flair. By the end of this course, students will know exactly what makes a truly successful speech and will be able to put that knowledge to practical use.
Special Notes:
This course counts as an English elective and may not meet the requirements for English transfer credit to another high school or as English credit for college admission purposes.
I know what you’re probably thinking – “Public speaking? How can you teach public speaking online?” Well, the answer is, “Pretty easily! It’s really cool!”
From the roots of modern rhetoric in ancient Greece to the TED Talks on YouTube, this course dissects and studies the reasons for public speaking, the psychology of audiences, and the methods necessary to be effective public speakers.
Make no mistake, this course is not just for potential preachers and politicians – If you want to communicate your thoughts, feelings, ideas, and beliefs to other human beings in a way that is clear and not confusing, this course has the tools to make that happen.
If there are books and materials for this course, they can be purchased from our Online Bookstore.
Student Feedback
One of my favorite classes I’ve done at NorthStar was Public Speaking…The information was excellent and easy to understand…all [the tasks were] beneficial and relevant to the actual writing, research, outlining, and giving of a speech.
I learned a lot and will be helpful for college life.
This course has been very easy to understand and navigate. I appreciated how the content was informative and biblical, and how there was ample opportunity to learn about how it works in real life. The assessments covered all the bases, and the questions were clear and fair. Test and quizzes had a good amount of challenge, but not so much that it was impossible to do well. Sometimes it seemed like there was a lot of reading, but it was understandable, considering the topic. Assignments were relevant and instructions were clear. I’ve always liked writing, so I found that this course was, in some cases, a great review of skills I’ve already learned, and, in other cases, a wonderful way to come to understand new things. I really enjoyed the research I had to do for some of the assignments, and it was definitely helpful to have a new perspective examining my skills as a writer and a speaker. There’s a lot to take away from this course, and new ways to grow. I would definitely recommend it to others.